Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Mayoral Candidate Kevin McCrea

In the comments section of one of the Globe articles on Menino's charter school position, Kevin McCrea (or someone posting has him) posted a response:

"All three of my opponents have now jumped on the Charter School movement.
Charter schools are doing some fantastic work around the country and in this
City. A kid who was on my baseball team who lives on Geneva Ave. in Dorchester
just got accepted to a Charter School and his family tells me that they know
that is the only way he will get a good education.

But that is the problem, even when we lift the cap on charters we are tacitly admitting that there are other schools which are failing. Why is that none of the candidates say that they will not tolerate bad schools anywhere in the City? Why have all three of these candidates tolerated these bad schools for all the 40 years or so combined that they have been in office?

The two elephants in the room are busing and failing schools. Raising the cap on charters only slightly addresses getting more kids out of the regular schools and into better charter schools. In addition, there is no guarantee that the kids who need it most will get into those charter schools, instead it could be that many of these favored seats will go to favored people.

President Obama has been impressive in his desire to tackle the big problems. I think we here in Boston can tackle big problems, which is why I want to put good schools in every neighborhood, and then eliminate the busing system which currently wastes about 10% of our resources that could otherwise go towards better
schools, supplies and teacher salaries."

Update: You can find the same post at McCrea's blog, so it seems like it is him.

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