Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mike Mayo Responds

Mike Mayo, founder of Uphams Corner, reflected on the school in an Op-Ed in today's Globe. No time to comment now, but here's the link. More to follow later.

1 comment:

  1. There is something paradoxical about Mayo's piece (and I say this to bring attention to the paradox rather than to disparage Mayo himself). On the one hand, we see the school's desire to be a 'place for everyone.' On the other, we see the state's imposition of standards of success which could be seen, themselves, as the result of a drive toward universality - in other words, when we want all schools to achieve all things for all people we end up with a narrow (and, I would say, largely meaningless) focus on standardized test score performance. I guess what I'm wondering is if UCCS wasted the opportunity given to charter schools to define their own mission in contrast to the incoherent universality of public schools.
